
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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Started by shoruke, November 30, 2007, 06:35:12 PM

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Hey guys. I'm doing a mock news report for school, and my topic is "scientology". Long story short, it has to be what news SHOULD be... facts, and viewpoints as stated by those who are relevant. This opposed to the way some news is delivered these days, with lots of propaganda and "america is the greatest" and bias and whatnot.

Anyway, I need to know what scientology IS... I've seen the site; I just can't buy the whole "nobody is forced to accept anything in scientology, everyone finds their own truth"... could someone give me their viewpoint on what scientology is, and maybe point out a scientologist's viewpoint? I have to get both sides of the story to get a decent mark. I figure if anyone can tell me about a cult, it's the people here... Thanks in advance everyone!

P.S. I present this as a live news report on Tuesday and today is friday... wish me luck peoples...
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.


Forcing someone to do something doesn't necessarily involve their understanding they're being forced.

Scientology is about self improvement on the surface, basically following in the footsteps of every other religion:
1) they target lonely and/or desperate people
2)say, "there's something wrong with you" (break them down, make them feel even worse on themselves)
3) promise a solution that you can only get through them
4) build up your confidence, but require devotion (emotional and monetary)
5) break you down again by showing you their teachings that teach that you're sinful, or in scientology's case, you're possessed by thetens (spirits of aliens)
6) Repeat 4 and 5 until they are completely dependent on the program and will continue to devote emotional and monetary investments

Congratulations, you're now in a cult.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


The Wiki had some interesting information, specifically citing a report in Victoria, Australia that condemned Scientology as using what amounts to hypnotic commands.  If you believe that hypnotic commands work (I'm not sure that I do) then you could consider this 'forcing' someone to accept.

Here's the link:

It shouldn't be too hard to drum up some reference that Scientology has been categorized as a cult by the governments of at least France and Germany.  I think these categorizations still stand.

Hope this helps.....

From my personal view point, Scientology is much more obviously fraudulent than most religions.  I view most religious claims as fraud: "trust in me and you will not die, but rather you will have life everlasting in heaven".  This claim is unverifiable.  It may be fraudulent (probably is IMO), but it can't be proven fraudulent.  It is, however, unsubstantiated: we can't prove that even one human being has survived death and lives on in heaven.  However - we have no idea how to actually test this, so ultimately we have to accept that the claim cannot be either substantiated or falsified.

However, Dianetics makes claims that can be tested, like "follow Dianetics, become a clear, and you won't need eyeglasses".  Dianetics also claims to have produced such 'clears' before.  It would be a simple matter to 'clear' people, via Dianetics, and then clinically record the improvement in their eyesight.  If this actually worked - where are the clinical results?  If I could use a mental technique on people and cure them of imperfect eyesight, without a lifelong dependence on glasses and/or contacts, I'd be showing the world my evidence and shouting it from the rooftops!  I think I could make million$$$ this way!  If Dianetics makes this testable, verifiable claim but then cannot produce evidence in its favor - I call this regular old garden variety fraud.

That's my perspective.


They sometimes give "free" personality tests.  And, invariably, they will find something "wrong" with a person.  They'll say they can help, and yada, yada, yada, you're in a cult.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


Shoruke, I Googled "about scientology" and found this article: ... logy.shtml

Hope it helps!


You can get everything you need to know about Scientology from

Its run by a guy called Andreas Heldal-Lundt and the scientologists hate him because they don't have any dirt to spread on him and they know they can't get the site shut down.
No Gods, No Masters, No Problem


QuoteForcing someone to do something doesn't necessarily involve their understanding they're being forced.

Scientology is about self improvement on the surface, basically following in the footsteps of every other religion:
1) they target lonely and/or desperate people
2)say, "there's something wrong with you" (break them down, make them feel even worse on themselves)
3) promise a solution that you can only get through them
4) build up your confidence, but require devotion (emotional and monetary)
5) break you down again by showing you their teachings that teach that you're sinful, or in scientology's case, you're possessed by thetens (spirits of aliens)
6) Repeat 4 and 5 until they are completely dependent on the program and will continue to devote emotional and monetary investments

Congratulations, you're now in a cult.

This reminds me of my journey into Islam. Is it the same with all religions?