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10 Things About Yourself

Started by Cecilie, May 16, 2010, 10:42:21 PM

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Quote from: MusicLovingAtheist on December 22, 2014, 12:47:36 AM
I really don't care and your lectures mean nothing to me. The social justice warrior is strong in you people. btw you think I am into some kkk eugenics crap and I'm really not. I just said a slang word. take a chill pill hombre.
Not cool talking like that to Bud, and don't hide behind that "slang" bullshit. We care. As do the mods. If you don't like it, then leave.
"Great, replace one book about an abusive, needy asshole with another." - Will (moderator) on replacing hotel Bibles with "Fifty Shades of Grey"


MLA it is clear that you have some issues. We are nor here to condemn you for certain oddities that you have displayed and described. As a matter of fact there are several of us who would help you with some of those issues if we could. It is not within our power to do so. We can only commiserate with you.  You can be "different" without being a danger to yourself or to others.  You can even be a credit to your family and your community with a little bit of luck, and perhaps some professional help..

You put us off pretty badly in a series of posts a while back..... Something about taking satisfaction from pissing people off. You do need some help for the benefit of your own health and happiness. There are numerous places, near you and available to you, where you can get some professional council. Notice: This is not a criticism. Your plight is not all that uncommon. Failure to address the problem is unfortunately all too common. Enough said.


Quote from: Icarus on December 22, 2014, 01:35:45 AM
MLA it is clear that you have some issues. We are nor here to condemn you for certain oddities that you have displayed and described. As a matter of fact there are several of us who would help you with some of those issues if we could. It is not within our power to do so. We can only commiserate with you.  You can be "different" without being a danger to yourself or to others.  You can even be a credit to your family and your community with a little bit of luck, and perhaps some professional help..

You put us off pretty badly in a series of posts a while back..... Something about taking satisfaction from pissing people off. You do need some help for the benefit of your own health and happiness. There are numerous places, near you and available to you, where you can get some professional council. Notice: This is not a criticism. Your plight is not all that uncommon. Failure to address the problem is unfortunately all too common. Enough said.
alright, I appreciate it. I don't really know how to respond because this post doesn't seem to be clearly addressing anything I have done specifically.  ??? I do go to a counsellor but we don't really solve many problems while I am there.

oh wait, yeah you did mention something. that thing about making people angry. people often make me angry for no reason what so ever so I feel that that gives me equal right. If everyone was nicer to me I would feel more sympathetic to everyone and probably not say that many mean things. I have a very friendly side.


Honestly, looking back at a few past posts, I have not seen anybody being directly mean to you. Sure there are a few users here who are blunt but nothing that was meant to be outright hurtful.

This is just my opinion so feel free to ignore it, but websites like Reddit and 4chan are toxic places that only exist to feed off of hate. I think that if you try to distance yourself from negative spaces and surround yourself with positive people you'll see that there is no benefit to being angry at others for reaching out and trying to help.
Strange but not a stranger<br /><br />I love my car more than I love most people.


I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey



I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey


This thread seems a little cold, but I'll post anyway.  I saw a link to it in reply to one of the introduction posts.

1. I love watching The Great British Bake Off.
2. I was married last August in a campsite in the mountains, next to a river, to a man I consider to be my favorite person.
3. I swore I'd never be an editor, but became one anyway.  For 9 years and counting.  I hate it, but being one has taught me a lot.
4. I'm an introvert.  I taught myself to be more outgoing when I was younger, but now I'm reverting back to wanting to be in my cave all the time.
5. I'm an artist and a writer in my free time.
6. I dislike conflict, aggression, and office politics.
7. I didn't watch TV for years, but started binge watching TV shows in the last year or so with my fiance (now husband).
8. I love the outdoors.
9. My husband is the only person I'll take with me to an art museum (part of why he is my favorite).
10. My favorite board game might be Age of Empires.  Or maybe Le Havre. 


My intro thread was pretty intensive, but here goes.

1. I'm a good actor.
2. When people intentionally push my buttons I tremble, and I become the dominant.
3. I'm a vegetarian.
4. I'm a technological utopian.
5. I have positive feelings toward insects and spiders.
6. I find amazing deals on what I need and want.
7. I'm very sensitive.
8. I think power corrupts almost everyone.
9. My libido is insane.
10. My life goal is to save the world.


Why not throw myself in there:

1. I do a lot of sports photography (high school level)
2. I love fountain pens and even review them on YouTube
3. I write novels for fun
4. I grew up in Pennsylvania but now live in North Dakota
5. I have a steadily expanding garden and just today picked 4 heads of broccoli, a zucchini, a green pepper, and a head of cauliflower
6. I like living in a small town in the middle of nowhere
7. My house is one of the smallest houses in my town
8. I'm not good at socializing
9. I am trying to learn Chinese
10. If I were not a Physics teacher, I think it would be really fun to teach foreign language


1. I was always a Jack-of-all-trades, even as a kid, practical and pragmatic,  I never really prospered at anything.
2. I made a better assistant than a boss.
3. I do really enjoy explaining (in writing) complex things in simple language, hate jargon.
4. I also enjoy passing on skills; technical, craft, computer, writing, whatever.
5. A shortness and a tendency to being fat caused early social problems I did not really conquer until I retired.
6. Not a great cook but adventurous when I bestir myself.
7. Really enjoy eating out.
8. Not a fan of music.
9. Far too much a fan of science-fiction.
10. Always the quiet optimist!
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74


Quote from: Gloucester on July 21, 2016, 08:37:46 PM
9. Far too much a fan of science-fiction.

Hard science fiction or fantasy? I'm a big fan of hard science fiction (lStephen Baxter, David Brin, Arthur C. Clarke, Neal Asher, Iain M. Banks,etc.)
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: Tom62 on July 22, 2016, 05:45:20 AM
Quote from: Gloucester on July 21, 2016, 08:37:46 PM
9. Far too much a fan of science-fiction.

Hard science fiction or fantasy? I'm a big fan of hard science fiction (lStephen Baxter, David Brin, Arthur C. Clarke, Neal Asher, Iain M. Banks,etc.)
I flip around the genre, fantasy at the moment, last was space opera but I do delve into the deep stuff, Banks is a favourite as was Heilein.
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74


Quote from: Gloucester on July 21, 2016, 08:37:46 PM

9. Far too much a fan of science-fiction.

Lol I've thought this a lot lately, when I realized so many of my dreams played out like SciFi movies or TV shows.  I try to branch out from reading or watching all sci-fi (fantasy, too), but it's definitely my comfort zone. 


Quote from: Waski_the_Squirrel on July 21, 2016, 07:57:09 PM
Why not throw myself in there:

1. I do a lot of sports photography (high school level)
2. I love fountain pens and even review them on YouTube
3. I write novels for fun
4. I grew up in Pennsylvania but now live in North Dakota
5. I have a steadily expanding garden and just today picked 4 heads of broccoli, a zucchini, a green pepper, and a head of cauliflower
6. I like living in a small town in the middle of nowhere
7. My house is one of the smallest houses in my town
8. I'm not good at socializing
9. I am trying to learn Chinese
10. If I were not a Physics teacher, I think it would be really fun to teach foreign language

Physics teacher in the middle of nowhere.  That actually sounds quite pleasant.