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Started by karadan, November 26, 2008, 03:44:56 PM

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I'm sorry for the upper-case title but i just got angered beyond belief. It seems, Einstein was a liar. Newton was a fraud. It has come to my attention that All modern science is a big fat lie to help line the pockets of the shadowy forces secretly running the planet.    (not the vid, just some of the comments left by other users)

OK, i like to watch UFO vids on youtube amongst other things. The above is a vid of a guy called Bob Lazaar. Some of you may have heard of him. To cut a long story short, he apparently worked on recovered UFO's for the US government once. Anywhoo, I posted a comment a month or so ago. The tirade which followed was at first, quite laughable but i quickly came to realise this guy actually believed his own hype.

One quote from 77GSlinger:

"I am not remotely confused. einstein was extremely confused. If you do not believe me watch einstein's idiots on youtube, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The idea that mass increases as you approach the so-called velocity of light, is an insane proposition worthy of academic idiots like einstein and hawkings. If you believe academic physics is the truth, then you are oblivious to reality. Don't lash out at what you don't understand, visit my site and educate yourself."

A quote from one of his 'friends' BDPSociety:

"Tokamak Fusion Reactors are an environmental disaster based on the idiotic theory that the Sun is somehow a "Nuclear Furnace" it is "Not" lame brain. It is an electro-magnetic Plasma Sphere. Nuclear Fusion is a stupid academic theory that is provably false. 48 billion dollars wasted on the Tokamak raector Fraud. Every attempt failed and the reactors became radioactive throughout requiring they be dismantled and buried for eternity. Let's all praise einstein,teller and academic lies of this fraud."

Initially i laughed but that quickly turned into a small measure of bemused anger. How can someone be so willfully pig-ignorant?

Anyway, if you want a laugh, here is his website:
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Wow... how stupid indeed.  Willful ignorance should be illegal.  Ugh.  I read the entire thread on the youtube comments and wow.  I don't know if I can even venture up to the website.
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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Quote from: "rlrose328"Wow... how stupid indeed.  Willful ignorance should be illegal.  Ugh.  I read the entire thread on the youtube comments and wow.  I don't know if I can even venture up to the website.

Hmm, yeah. You probably shouldn't - It is a massive (1 page) of jibberish. If you were to read it all and view the links, you'd go slightly insane. Not to mention the fact it'd take about 3 months to plough through.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Yeah, don't have that kind of time... I've got a brain-numbing  7 minute, ESL-doctor dictation to plow through... that's bad enough.  :banna:
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Wechtlein Uns

If someone on youtube said it, it *must* be true.

Would have been fun to play along and tell him you are a member of the secret organization affecting mankind. "We know where you live. We know who you are. Cease and desist, or you will dissappear from the face of the earth."

He'd have to believe it. after all, it would be on *youtube*.  :P
"What I mean when I use the term "god" represents nothing more than an interactionist view of the universe, a particularite view of time, and an ever expansive view of myself." -- Jose Luis Nunez.


I went to the site. I must say, I'm impressed by his obvious grasp of aesthetics and graphic design.


Also, anyone who bastardizes 老子 and the æ˜"ç¶" in that way should be culled.


That is one mentaly disturbed individual. Check out his long list of videos multiple videos of cremation, coffin history, human bodies decaying afer death, natural disaters, train crashes, alien visitors, space shuttle accidents, goverment conspiricies, and asorted death, destrution, and mayham. That guy is an out and out NUT. He seems to go by the global scientist conspericy that many creationist use only much more twisted and deluded. Shame he wasted 13 years on his "research".
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


I just skimmed his website, the guy doesn't believe in the number zero or the concept of zero or whatever. WTF? I guess you have to be crazy to understand.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


Holy Cats!  That guy is disturbed with a capital DUH!  Conspiracy theories aside, he is just plain nuts.  Wow.  I don't know if I can sleep knowing he is alive and well on the net.  :brick:
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"I went to the site. I must say, I'm impressed by his obvious grasp of aesthetics and graphic design.


Also, anyone who bastardizes 老子 and the æ˜"ç¶" in that way should be culled.
I went to the site, snorted at graphics, then snorted at the number of YouTube links (What a place to refer pretty much everything to eh?!) Then I skipped to the end and snorted at the "Archive this site and all the links within it" message. The day I start archiving YT links OR use them to prove my point or derive my point from (for illustrating or emphasising the point, they do work though), is the day I get the hell off the Internet.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"I went to the site. I must say, I'm impressed by his obvious grasp of aesthetics and graphic design.


Also, anyone who bastardizes 老子 and the æ˜"ç¶" in that way should be culled.

Man, i'm glad you all think the same way i do on this guy.

He is a bonafide example of 'actual' insanity, i'm sure.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


I just realised, these conspiracy theorists all seem to have one phrase in common... I get told that i'm brain-washed and that i should 'open my eyes'..

They all say it. I think thats funny.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


There are a lot people out there on the internet making up conspiracies, saying that the science that we know today is wrong for one reason or the other. I find it's usually related to religion. There are videos on youtube claiming that the earth is growing and plate tectonics don't exist. India and Italy are stretch marks and and dinosaurs were big because gravity on a smaller earth was lower. I'm a geology and astronomy student so that angered me as well. I don't understand why. There are enough unsolved things as it is. No need in saying that what's already tested and proven is false. I don't want to take away freedom of speech though. It's important for people to see the truth for themselves and think on their own.


QuoteTanker wrote: I just skimmed his website, the guy doesn't believe in the number zero or the concept of zero or whatever. WTF? I guess you have to be crazy to understand.

Let me just wax poetically on the nature of zero.  Zero being fundamentally nothing is the most spectacular concept ever thought up.  And who did this thinking up?  Why our friends the Arabs!  The mathematical, architechtural and artistic geniuses who gave us such wonderful gifts as the arabic numeral system, writing the wrong way, blowing yourself up for political causes and high-pitched tounge yodel mourning cries among many other things.  Not that it matters where zero came from anyhow.  But it is fundamentally correct for this person, who is so obnoxious that he can't or won't even manage to hire a graphic artist (( I am a graphic artist)) to improve the nature of such an unattractive mindset, to try to invalidate the existence of zero because the God people can't handle zero.

"Nothing is too hard for God."  -Billboard message I saw in some town in Oklahoma.

Aren't you glad to have a crazy person on the forum to "explain" such nonsense to you? :D

By the way, thank you for being an atheist in a foxhole.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
                                                                                                                    -Winston Smith, protagonist of 1984 by George Orwell