
Look, I haven't mentioned Zeus, Buddah, or some religion.

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Witnessing Offer :)

Started by Jane, August 28, 2008, 06:56:01 PM

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So...I somehow ended up on a Southern Baptist church's mailing list, and started getting several emails a day to let me know what time Prayer Group was meeting, Choir Practice, Jennifer's Dad's funeral arrangements, etc.  I sent a couple un-subcribe emails, which didn't get any response. So I sent this one to the first email address on the list:

Good afternoon John -

I seem to have been added to your yahoo group by mistake. Rather than being a young baptist in Alabama, I am, in fact, an approaching-middle-aged atheist in Dublin, Ireland.

Would you be able to remove me from your mailing list? Thanks a mil.

Kind regards,


And got back this:

Hello Jane,

I apologize for the error, and I will take care of addressing the problem.

I too am an “approaching-middle-aged” individual. (Actually, I am no longer “approaching” but rather have arrived at such stage of life.) I just happen to lead a bible study group made up of much younger folks.

I very much appreciate the kind manner in which you pointed out the yahoo group error. I also respect your spiritual belief. I would be less than honest, however, if I did not express my curiosity as to how you arrived at such belief, since my journey has led me to a different conclusion. While there is much I do not understand with respect to spiritual matters, I believe God is in the process of redeeming a fallen and broken world. I believe that he is a God of grace and that he is reaching out in love to you and to me. I believe that through faith in his son, Jesus, we can have a relationship with him now and for eternity.

I would be glad to share more of my belief, including biblical passages and personal experiences, if such would be of interest to you. At this point, I will simply express my pleasure in making your acquaintance by email, and my appreciation for your having caused me to re-examine my faith in God.



Hmmm...he seems like a nice guy, and I like nice people. He seems surprised I was polite though ;)

Jolly Sapper

First, I'd like to mention how funny this is.

Second, if you don't think it will be a violation of privacy, I'd like to read the correspondence between you two if it continues.


I really hope he responds. He seems to be thoughtful and kind, which is rare in people who evangelize.

Was anyone else surprised that he didn't capitalize "he" when referring to god? For some reason that caught my attention.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Willravel"I really hope he responds. He seems to be thoughtful and kind, which is rare in people who evangelize.
Converting potential, I smellz.  :D ) Besides... Everyone knows it's a hermaphrodite  :unsure:
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


If correspondence continues, I'd be happy to post anything that doesn't violate privacy. Names have already been changed, of course. I'm kinda hoping for a response, as I'm a curious little cat.

I DID notice he was very polite - I wouldn't have written back otherwise - I didn't notice the capital thing, though! Interesting.


Quote from: "Jane"If correspondence continues, I'd be happy to post anything that doesn't violate privacy. Names have already been changed, of course. I'm kinda hoping for a response, as I'm a curious little cat.

I DID notice he was very polite - I wouldn't have written back otherwise - I didn't notice the capital thing, though! Interesting.

Hey now. One of those here is enough!  ;)



I got a response!


I am sorry to be so late responding. I have been out of town a good bit over the past week. In addition, I wanted to have time to think about my response.

I love your transparent manner.

Wow - - a devout Southern Baptist! Well, my childhood and teenage years were similar to yours. I am the grandson of a Southern Baptist minister. The home I grew up in was next door to the pastor’s home which was next door to the Baptist church my family attended. Like you, I was in church almost every Sunday and Wednesday, was baptized at a young age, was in the youth choir, participated in all the youth activities, etc. I was nurtured in a loving Christian home and in a community of deeply caring friends.

My journey was therefore given a very good start. This is not to say, however, that the road has been without its turns. I have learned much from times of sinful pride, times of little faith and times of shame. My perspective of God has changed somewhat over the years - - from one which, I now realize, tended toward legalism to one in which I am humbled by God’s grace (Psalm 103: 8-14). My understanding is that through Christ, God is in the process of transforming us to be Christ-like. If we allow him, he will change us from self-centered consumers to humble servants and, by so doing, give us more and more of His abundant life. (John 10:10)

I participated in a seminary-like course of study last year, taught by one of the most knowledgeable biblical teachers I have ever known. He is a trained theologian in his 50s, so his education in the classroom has been tested in the laboratory of real life. One of his primary points is that in Genesis 3 everything changed - - everything - - our relationship with each other, our relationship with God, our relationship with nature, etc. Since then, God has been redeeming the world, us included. One day we will experience life like it was like in the garden (Genesis 2). This seems to be Jesus’ prayer in John 17: 20-26. He speaks of God’s love for us as being the same as God’s love for himself. (verses 23 and 26) and of his desire for us to be with him (verse 24). Until such time, he is calling us to be his agents of redemption in this fallen world (verse 21).

I suppose the thing I believe and value most is that the God of the universe is relational. Perhaps that is why my greatest joys are found in relationships whether with my wife, son, daughter, extended family or friends. The joy I find in relationships is actually one of the things that grows my faith. Where does such love come from if not from our creator? And does not the unconditional love I have for my children give me some indication of the grace-filled love God has for me?

Well, that is probably more than you asked for. The truth is, Kris, I am still seeking. I certainly do not have all the answers and my faith is often not as strong as I would hope for it to be. But I believe, in spite of all my weaknesses, God loves me, is drawing me to him, and is in the process of transforming me to be more and more like Jesus. So, what makes you think he is not doing the same thing in your life?

With kindest regards,


I haven't responded back yet. I really like that he's been articulate and kind. I'd like to do him the same how to find a way to articulate that I don't feel "lead astray into sinful pride and shame" - I feel more peace now than I ever got through  Christianity. He focuses a lot on the love and kindness of god - I don't know how to formulate what I want to say about how the god of the bible is certainly not the full-of-grace being that he's worshiping....

Steve Reason

I guess he missed the part where you said you're an atheist. I give it two more responses before he feels the need to remind you that you're lost and headed for hell.  :brick:
I do not fear death, in view of the fact that I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. ~ Mark Twain


What do you bet this guy truly believes it was no coincidence he contacted you, a former Baptist in Dublin, and it's now his mission to share Jesus with you by God's divine plan?   :D

The contents of this letter is typical modern Southern Baptist evangelism. It's all 'relationship' based. They save preaching about Hell for those who have already accepted Christ. He's taking the kind, 'I've made mistakes and I haven't figured it all out, either' approach. I don't see the point in communicating with this person. You're only getting regurgitated Christian PR. I wouldn't want to hear it, personally. As I read the letters my impression is that it's all too well thought out. Puke just makes me want to puke, too.
"On the moon our weekends are so far advanced they encompass the entire week. Jobs have been phased out. We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer! Mexican beer! That's the cheapest of all beers." --- Ignignokt & Err


QuoteSo, what makes you think he is not doing the same thing in your life?

This is the problem. He wants you to explain why you don't believe in his imaginary friend. You're the one who deserves an explanation, so turn it back on him with some serious, sincere questions. Sure, be polite, but be candid as well.

You've gotten a great start by finding common ground, now ask him things you've wondered yourself, like "Why is the God of the Old Testament so very different from Jesus?" If he ends up saying something like "God was trying to show judgment so that we could truly appreciate his mercy later on" or "God's logic is bigger than ours", there's no point in continuing the conversation.


Oh he also emailed and asked if he could share our conversation with his youth group. I said sure. I doubt he'll do it, because it'd be an uncomfortable youth group meeting...I've responded with the Epicurus arguement

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus

I don't think they want to start discussing that.


Very smooth. ;)

I'm can't wait to see how he rationalizes it.