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UK’s first official sharia courts

Started by Msblue, September 14, 2008, 05:24:23 PM

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Quote from: "Msblue"This is scary, I'm in U.S so I could be wrong.

This upsets me so much, I can't even speak.  I blogged about this back in July, when a few boys were given detention for not participating in a Muslim prayer exercise.  At first, I was like... hey, what's the big deal, just participate.  But the more I thought about it, read about it and such, I changed my mind.  

It's a slippery slope that England has skittered onto and the rest of the world is not safe.  Canada refused to let them set up sharia courts but leave it to England.  It's not good.   :brick:
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."


:eek:  That sux for everyone else in the UK.  You're in a lose/lose situation now.  If you decide to take this power away from them there will probably be some very angry Muslims.
"I'd rather live one day as a lion, than a lifetime as a sheep"

Mister Joy

It must have been done very stealthily because this is the first I've heard of it. The BBC haven't reported anything as far as I know and you'd think that they'd be very eager to jump on a story like this, particularly considering their coverage of the Archbishop's comments earlier this year. The collapse of Lehman Bros. and the HBOS takeover seem to be the big stories at the moment.

Assuming that it's true, at least it relies on concent from both parties. According to this article (which I'm not entirely sure I trust yet) it's only binding and enforcible once that's been given. Still, while it doesn't affect me personally, I'm sick of the government setting different standards for itself and various ethnic and religious groups.


The thing I most fear is that there will be pressure on those Muslims who are more progressive to use the sharia court even if they don't want to JUST because they are Muslim.  

It's just a frightening precedent to set, allowing a religion to set up any kind of governing body.
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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Mister Joy

I don't think there'll be any legal pressure for them to do that and, when it comes to social pressure, Muslims don't live in separate communes or anything. They'll have plenty of non-muslim friends to rely on for support and, even if they dont, they have their spines. It's all very well feeling sorry for people who are surpressed under the weight religious dogma but I try to remember that they're the ones who are ultimately to blame for it. If they want to inflict sharia law on themselves and other willing participants then I'm not too bothered, so long as none of it touches me or anyone else and so long as I can still bring a Muslim to a real court to face real laws, should the necessity arise, without their permission.