
Actually sport it is a narrative

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save your self

Started by omdatov, August 06, 2009, 03:55:29 PM

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Quote from: "omdatov"
Quote from: "Whitney"Such as.....?   :hmm:

you can try this

You could try picking out ones you think are especially convincing.  I don't have time to read though a whole website right now.

Heretical Rants

The expansion of the universe:
"And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it." (Qur'an, 51:47)

The roundness of the Earth (never mind that the Egyptians had already calculated the Circumference):

The "Big Bang":

The Sun is at the center of the Solar System:

I wasn't impressed the first time I saw it, and I'm not impressed now.

Gravity:  "for did we not make the Earth a receptacle?"

Fallen Jedii

Quote from: "Thom Phelps"omdatov,
The Qur'an, The Bible, The Torah, et cetera are all written by people to explain the unexplainable (of their times), to lay down basic rules of society, and ultimately to control people through fear. If Allah had a message to share in 610 A.D. with the world, why would he tell some guy meditating in a cave instead of speaking to the whole world at once? And why would the message take so many years for Mohammed to "formulate?"

Makes no sense and the fakeness of it is too obvious.

Normally, I would say, "Good luck in your endeavors," but with regard to missionaries like you, I hope your attempts to convert people to your cult fails.

I can't tell you how many times I've repeated this over and over to my friends (not my family, it wouldn't turn out well). What's so hard to understand?

People at the time had no scientific explanations for anything. They relied on mythical stories in order to explain things such as why my hut was struck by lightning last night, or where thunder comes from.

It's that simple, but people can't just sit down and think about it for two minutes. Hell, I'd argue that it takes less than two minutes of serious thinking to discover that there are no gods.

Hearing this person's speech reminds me of school. Everytime a bunch of religious fanatics come in they say they come in to save us from hell. Well, they don't really say that, but it's clearly their intention. This preaching is getting so tiresome.


I've read the Quran and a bit of the Hadith. I found nothing different than I found in the New Testament or the Torah.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.




Quote from: "Karras"Omdatov,

I am curious, if the Qur'an is such a great textbook for modern science, why exactly is the Islamic world not leading the way in scientific research? Have you scientists just not been paying attention to it?
In fact, you are totally right Karras that the islamic nation is one of the weakest nation in the world but this have many causes , the main one that the most of us are ignoring  the Holy Quran and the Hadith so the consequence is weakness as Allah says:" 124. "But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment." [Qur'an] the most of us are worshiping girls , money and bear...our money is wasted in the american and european casino and night club...the big number of our scientist are in America and Europe because our govenments says that they havn't mony to waste it into scientific researching!!
But, if you go back years ago you will find that the islamic nation were the leader of the world for more then 1200 years .
Our prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, and the Sahaba (his friends) are shepherding cows and sheeps ,when they respect the Holy of Quran and consider it a way of life they are becoming the leader of world in approx 100 years then the power of islamic empire increase to reach the top in the Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1924) (in approx 1600 we are colonizing more than the half of the world) but as i said before the main fact of fall to the Ottoman Empire is ignoring the Holy Quran.
After the two crucade wars and the defeat of cristian against muslim many of their writers such us Job (english writer) said that "the only way to defeat islam is bring up guys who don't know anything about their religion and the Quran"
Nowadays America and Europe know that if they want still the leader they must bring up an islamic guys who don't know anything about islam,they want them to love the life ,girls,money ...and hate the islam and Allah(god).
an american writer said" islam is like monster it can sleep for a long time but when he wake up he become the leader".
=>  Be sure Karras that we will become the leader of world again because our prophet Mohammed said that .when? only God knows.
Finally i advise you to read the history of islamic nation you will see the real ethics of islam.


Quote from: "omdatov"Drivel.

Please stop preaching. My sides are splitting from the lolz.

I will not be so easily deflected on the "ethics of Islam". The history of the Islamic world speaks for itself really, as does the track record of your founding member (including what he did with his member).


Quote from: "omdatov"
Quote from: "Karras"Omdatov,

I am curious, if the Qur'an is such a great textbook for modern science, why exactly is the Islamic world not leading the way in scientific research? Have you scientists just not been paying attention to it?
In fact, you are totally right Karras that the islamic nation is one of the weakest nation in the world but this have many causes , the main one that the most of us are ignoring  the Holy Quran and the Hadith so the consequence is weakness

That makes little sense since the rest of the world isn't following the quran either and science is advancing here. By you logic the rest of the world should be even farther behind scientificly since most don't follow the Quran in any way.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


That miracles of the quran site is full of crap. Just an FYI

Also, turns out muslims can fly
Quote from: "Godschild"SSY: You are fairly smart and to think I thought you were a few fries short of a happy meal.
Quote from: "Godschild"explain to them how and why you decided to be athiest and take the consequences that come along with it
Quote from: "Aedus"Unlike atheists, I'm not an angry prick


Quote from: "Thom Phelps"It could just be a bad dream from eating three-day-old hummus. Or maybe he has really vivid dreams about heaven because he's got paranoid schizophrenia, which warps his sense of reality?

His "spells" sound like he most like had temporal lobe epilepsy.


Wow Omdatov. Don't take this the wrong way, but I can't even read what you're even trying to say, so I will not be replying to any of your lies. Second, you're copying and pasting more than you are writing anything yourself. Please, just stop. If you want to discuss religion, then say so. In the meantime, stop plagiarizing! We want to read your thoughts, not some crumby website!
"Put your hands to the constellations, the way you look should be a sin, you're my sinsation...
I know I'm preachin' to the congregation, we love Jesus but you'd learned a lot from Satan!
May the Lord forgive us, May the Gods be with us
In that magic hour, I've seen good christians, make rash decisions
Oh she do it, what happened to Religion? Oh sh


Quote from: "Tanker"
Quote from: "omdatov"
Quote from: "Karras"Omdatov,

I am curious, if the Qur'an is such a great textbook for modern science, why exactly is the Islamic world not leading the way in scientific research? Have you scientists just not been paying attention to it?
In fact, you are totally right Karras that the islamic nation is one of the weakest nation in the world but this have many causes , the main one that the most of us are ignoring  the Holy Quran and the Hadith so the consequence is weakness

That makes little sense since the rest of the world isn't folloing the quran either and science is advancing here. By you logic the rest of the world should be even farther behind scientificly since most don't follow the Quran in any way.

My thoughts exactly. Even the bit about lack of government funding is not gonna hold water as much of the valuable research is done in the private sector.

Furthermore, would you have us believe that people like this guy:

are simply not good enough Muslims and not paying eough attention to the Qur'an?  (I find this doubtful by the way)

If so, do you not think you might be better off cleaning your own frickin' house, before you come preaching to us about how great Islam is and how pedophilia is OK in context?


Quote from: "Tanker"That makes little sense since the rest of the world isn't folloing the quran either and science is advancing here. By you logic the rest of the world should be even farther behind scientificly since most don't follow the Quran in any way.
Ok,first i say that the main cause that we are ignoring the Holy Quran(by the way in the Holy Quran there dozens of verses which encourage the science and study),so there are other cause one of them that in islamic nation our government don't encourage scientific researchings and claimed that they havn't money to waste it in studying ...
We have two types of rules: universal rule and  rules that have faith as origin(it means the help of God).
First the universal rules is for all the humanity,for example if you sow wheat and you give it water regardless of your faith (muslim,critian,jewish,handos...) it will grown up and became an ear of wheat ,if you study you succeed that's why the American and European nation are the strongest now due to the industrial revolution in the 19th centry.
But the faith rules are only for muslims.
so you can say ,only muslims can have: universal rules + rules that have faith as origin => leader of the world.


Quote from: "omdatov"We have two types of rules: universal rule and  rules that have faith as origin(it means the help of God).
First the universal rules is for all the humanity,for example if you sow wheat and you give it water regardless of your faith (muslim,critian,jewish,handos...) it will grown up and became an ear of wheat ,if you study you succeed that's why the American and European nation are the strongest now due to the industrial revolution in the 19th centry.
But the faith rules are only for muslims.
so you can say ,only muslims can have: universal rules + rules that have faith as origin => leader of the world.
Only two types of rules, huh...

Well, how about that.