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Duke of Bullshit: "The" Donald

Started by Recusant, November 11, 2015, 11:29:56 PM

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Certainly there are some similarities between the two, but one must understand that both Trump and Hitler are a not uncommon "archetype" throughout human history and today. When they get in power, there is always suffering, but lets hope that Trump ultimately falls on the lesser end of the suffering caused than Hitler.

With Project 2025 I am worried. I don't know how low they could go. The rhetoric is right there in front of us, unfortunately. Why haven't any of our societies learned how to properly shut this kind of thing down? Have we learned nothing from history?

The Religious Right's takeover of conservative Christianity, transforming conservative Christianity into being more Republican than Christian and hyping up nationalism, the alliance with dark money to distort the view of the populace (like lies about the founding of America, or twisting Religious Freedom/Freedom in general to mean the very opposite of what its supposed to for so many people) and also to slant the institutions of government into their favor, the election of two presidents who didn't win the popular vote and both stacking the Supreme Court with ideologues who ignore the constitution for their own agendas, Donald Trump becoming some kinda messianic figure with supposed Divine Right to rule to some forms of conservative Christianity, Trump and his cronies trying to steal the 2020 election and even firing up an insurrection, and now Trump's continued popularity after everything outrageous he has ever done, and the way that a corrupt, hardened criminal like him has evaded so many legal repercussions, the way that he is literally saying he wants to be a dictator, treat immigrants very cruelly, and is aligning with the extremist Project 2025...

None of this had to happen. None of this ever should have happened. This didn't happen because they're just too powerful, it happened because too many people within were already corrupt, and have failed to stand up for democracy and truth at every single turning point. They have formed an ends always justify the means sort of mindset which I understand is human nature, but it has been taken to such an extreme.

The people within were already rotten to the core. The government institutions were allowed to be compromised by these corrupt money and power hungry fools. It's always the ones that refuse to ever stand up to it all that bring down democracies. The Mitch McConnell's of the world. Screw you McConnell and all of the other shameless fools that allowed this to happen.

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"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

Dark Lightning

I hope that the chump's mental decline becomes obvious enough that people don't vote him. But with some of his cult followers, they'd vote for him when he was walked off in a strait jacket, raving even worse than he does now. It's appalling how people go nuts over the stupidity uttered at his rallies. We (in our household) all watch it happen in disbelief.


I just wish that both candidates are replaced by someone else. Trump is a moronic narcissist while Biden now looks like a brain dead zombie. Both are an embarrassment.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein