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abortion and christianity -doesnt make sense!

Started by jassi4010709, May 19, 2008, 01:20:28 AM

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ok....i often hear about groups of christian fanatics outside abortion clinics,protesting.

but......this makes absolutely no sense.
ill explain....

fanatic christians believe that every death is gods will.
it doesnt matter how you die- wether you are hit by a car, drown or murdered....because its god will that you die at that precise time.

so how can christian fanatics say that abortion is wrong....if its "happening because of gods will"  :crazy:


I think they see it as a form of murder, which it is if it's done later during pregnancy. I've also heard them say we're trying to "play god" and not accept the children he gives us. I say they can complain all they want, so long as it's amongst themselves in their little churches. Though shouldn't they also protest war, being let off life support, and the death penalty?
Religion is seen as true to the common, foolish to the wise, and useful to the powerful.


One in a long list of hypocrisies: supporting the death penalty and condemning abortion.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Neoncamouflage"I think they see it as a form of murder, which it is if it's done later during pregnancy. I've also heard them say we're trying to "play god" and not accept the children he gives us. I say they can complain all they want, so long as it's amongst themselves in their little churches. Though shouldn't they also protest war, being let off life support, and the death penalty?

Here is what George Carlin has to say about abortion:

If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're pre-schooled, your f*cked. Conservatives wan't live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life, these people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors, what kind of pro-life is that? What, they'll do everything they can do save a fetus, but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it?  :)
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -cs


i can see how you all see christianity and ani-abortion as contradictions, i am a christian and i just wanted to comment on some points you made,
i can not defend or explain the actions for any christian or why they may allow or vote for war but here is what i believe the Bible to proclame true to me.
The bible says that God wishes NO MAN should perish . this makes sense because he made us and loves us unconditionally, why should he wiss us to die. but because of the fall and sin of man God now has a plan for every mans short life in this sinful world, and of course that plan must involve a death. He knows which baby will live and which will die, but i do believe that it was Gods PLAN for some to die, NOT WILL but PLAN and i do think that some babies that are alive now are alive in result of the "anti-abortion fanatics" and why would you wish any of these innocent babies to die, and yes i do believe we are in a sense "playing God" when one commits abortion, also i think it is murder. and also why is it contradictory for a christian to be anti abortion and not a non christian to be anti abortion? as far as war goes, i dont believe that, based on the bible, war is "good" . i believe that our God is one of peace and love ( not in a sappy wishy washy hippie sense, but in a true sense) He said to defend the helpless and needy , in which case i would say a war in defence would be ok, but a war that's sole pupose it to gain shut down or just attack is not right. but again war is a hard issue to talk about for me , i can not say where the specific line is drawn between a right and wrong war. this post may seem a bit incomplete and scattered only because of lack of time. hope this "helps" a little if not im sorry. thank you for hearing what i have to say, hope to say some more later


If everything happens according to god's plan, then how can there be free will? And if there is no free will, then how can god allow suffering?

Google Epicurus Riddle for the logical proof.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I'm a bit busy and don't have time to reply to every point you made but I would like to know this:
If god wishes no man to kill another, cherishes all people, and only supports a defensive war then why does the bible say he gave his armies the strength to wipe out everyone who worshipped another god(s)? That sure doesn't sound like a defensive war to me.
Religion is seen as true to the common, foolish to the wise, and useful to the powerful.


Here is an excerpt from a web article which discusses whether abortion is biblical or not:

QuoteActually, I will stop short of making that claim. In fact, I will stop short of making the claim that the Bible condemns or supports abortion at all. It does neither. The condemning and supporting comes not from the words of the Bible but from leaders within our Culture of Christianity who use verses out of context -- the same way I just did to support abortion -- to support their views against abortion. The condemning and the supporting comes not from the Scriptures but from average Christians who take the easy way out, accepting one or two verses of the Bible as proof that their leaders are speaking the gospel truth. The condemning and supporting comes not from God but from those who do not take the time to read the Bible, in its own context, and decide for themselves the meanings therein.

For indeed, there is one passage in the Bible that deals specifically with the act of causing a woman to abort a pregnancy. And the penalty for causing the abortion is not what many would lead us to believe:

    "And if men struggle and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."

        Exodus 21:22-25

This is a very illuminating passage. In it we find a woman losing her child by being stuck by men who are fighting. Rather than it being a capital offense, however, it is relegated to a civil matter, with the father-to-be taking the participants to court for a settlement. But, as we read on, if the woman is killed, a "life for a life," then the men who killed her shall be killed. Some have claimed that the life for a life part is talking about the baby. But from reading the context we can see this is not true. It also states a tooth for a tooth and a burn for a burn. Babies don't have teeth when they are born, and it is highly unlikely a baby will be burned during birth. It is pretty clear that this part refers to the mother. Thus we can see that if the baby is lost, it does not require a death sentence -- it is not considered murder. But if the woman is lost, it is considered murder and is punished by death.

full text


Quote from: "Willravel"One in a long list of hypocrisies: supporting the death penalty and condemning abortion.
also support armed invasion of IrAq and cheered as the Us military threaded Tomahawk missiles thru the window of a children's hospital